Saturday, January 23, 2016

programming basics.

#include <stdio.h>
these tells us to include the header which is stdio.h for compilation.
_stdio.h is an header file their are many type of header files like <stdlib.h>,<unistd.h>,<math.h> etc.

void main()
it is basically a starting point of the main program.

  it means print format as a full form.
but it just print the text in the output.

Their are many data types
int_integer of a constant value
char_these is used when an  char used like "A" and a integer is given to the char we will see it in the below example.

{ }
these is used at the start of the program and end.the main code is between these.

lets use all these and make a basic program.

void main()

one can use software like ms_dos,pinnacle 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

vertiGo-A wall climbing robot including ground wall transistion

This is a robot which can climb wall by using fan or the motor which are mounted on the robot it also drives it.