Saturday, January 23, 2016

programming basics.

#include <stdio.h>
these tells us to include the header which is stdio.h for compilation.
_stdio.h is an header file their are many type of header files like <stdlib.h>,<unistd.h>,<math.h> etc.

void main()
it is basically a starting point of the main program.

  it means print format as a full form.
but it just print the text in the output.

Their are many data types
int_integer of a constant value
char_these is used when an  char used like "A" and a integer is given to the char we will see it in the below example.

{ }
these is used at the start of the program and end.the main code is between these.

lets use all these and make a basic program.

void main()

one can use software like ms_dos,pinnacle 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

vertiGo-A wall climbing robot including ground wall transistion

This is a robot which can climb wall by using fan or the motor which are mounted on the robot it also drives it.

Saturday, September 26, 2015


                                                       Who says indiĆ  doesn't innovate???

Thursday, September 24, 2015

philips IC Factory!!

                                 PHILIPS IC MANUFACTURING PROCESS

IC manufacturing is a complex process. their is list to perform the IC fabrication which is listed below.

steps for IC fabrication.

Lithography: The process for pattern definition by applying thin uniform layer of viscous liquid (photo-resist) on the wafer surface. The photo-resist is hardened by baking and than selectively removed by projection of light through a reticle containing mask information.

    Etching: Selectively removing unwanted material from the surface of the wafer. The pattern of the photo-resist is transferred to the wafer by means of etching agents.

    Deposition: Films of the various materials are applied on the wafer. For this purpose mostly two kind of processes are used, physical vapor deposition (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

    Chemical Mechanical Polishing: A planarization technique by applying a chemical slurry with etchant agents to the wafer surface.

    Oxidation: In the oxidation process oxygen (dry oxidation) or H$ _2$O (wet oxidation) molecules convert silicon layers on top of the wafer to silicon dioxide.
    Ion Implantation: Most widely used technique to introduce dopant impurities into semiconductor. The ionized particles are accelerated through an electrical field and targeted at the semiconductor wafer.

    Diffusion: A diffusion step following ion implantation is used to anneal bombardment-induced lattice defects.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Electronic Notice Board with Android Remote Controller | ECE Projects 

Arduino Home Security System


Thursday, September 3, 2015

projects websites!!

Websites for projects!!!           

Saturday, July 25, 2015

what are mobile towers ?

Mobile Towers.

How Telecom Towers Can Get the Power Mix Right

 Cell phone towers are structures built on specific parcels of land that are designed to accommodate wireless tenants. Wireless tenants utilize cell towers to deploy various technologies to a subscriber base, such as telephony, mobile data, television and radio. Cell towers are typically built by tower companies or wireless carriers

PSTN-public switch telephone network.
MSC-mobile switching center.
BS-base station.

The Microwave Dish is a large round antenna, which is used for a specific type of transmission, and also commonly used for backhaul.backhaul portion of the network comprises the intermediate links between the core network, or backbone network and the small subnetworks at the "edge".

The Base Transmitter Station or BTS is a shelter or enclosed area used to house and protect communications, radio and network equipment.
The Generator is powered by gas or diesel and used as emergency back-up to keep cell sites operational during power outages.
Utilities are also necessary for the operation of cell sites. Wireless carriers will run lines or cables to the site to complement their specific technology
Base Transmitter Station 
                                                How healthy are Mobile Towers?
People say that by having a mobile tower near to our house can cause cancer. Is it really so?

Some of the most powerful cell tower installations are on mountains and hilltops outside of urban areas. These EM fields have impacted humans, animals as well as the ecological balance. Studies of people and farm animals living around high voltage wires point to extreme hazards of living up up-close to a powerful electromagnetic field (EMF) - exhibiting everything from stress and sleep disorders to birth defects, cancer and Alzheimer’s. All cell site exposure risks.
These image will tell you what kind of EM are harmful . 

 Our body also resonates with earths magnetic field at 10Hz.