Thursday, July 9, 2015



When say about KERNEL we have seen it in our mobile phones. when we get into our settings-about phone. In that under the android version their is the KERNEL version so what is KERNEL.

Kernel basically manages the i/o. Kernel is basically a main part of operating system likewise the system has many device drivers like camera,network,touchscreen etc this is manage by the kernel.
It allows the application or we can say it as a software communicate with the hardware.
As the above diagram shows whats the main work of the kernel

Some of process done by the KERNEL;-

virtual memory-
when the RAM is full or their is no storage space in RAM the data of that application is stored in the hard disk 

Kernel is responsible for multitasking. It takes the decision of how much processes must run at a time 

File system-
The distribution of the file in the hard disk is done by the kernel.the process which needs data from the memory is given by the kernel.

Their are two modes kernel and user mode mainly these modes helps us not getting into Deadlock(deadlock is a situation in which two or more competing actions are each waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does.)

Program execution-
                              Kernel decide how much processes must run at a time and gives the program the required data from the file system.

If you want to know more about your mobile their is a application which allows you to know about the performance of your mobile phone your processor,benchmark also.

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